Thursday, January 17, 2008

Win some, lose some!

Sometimes things don't always pan out the way you expect. As you know, I'm changing the interior colour of the Panel Van to black.

Many items have been done, and it was time to do the visors., however I thought I'd put a vanity mirror in while I was at it. Easy, right? Well, not so easy this time.

I pulled the visor off, and cut the hole - that wasn't so much of a problem. The problem was trying to get a neat finish around the mirror. The old thick vinyl used on the old visors meant that I couldn't fold it to get the sort of finish I was after.

I decided to give up, and look for some replacements. I asked my friends at, and I got lucky. Michael (who lives in Geelong) had a spare pair which would suit - and they are black! I picked them up and fitted them - minus the vanity mirror.

Overall, I think I came out ahead. Thanks Michael!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Van and Ute Gallery

Happy new year everyone! Over the break I did something I've been wanting to do for a long time, and I've put together a Van, Ute and Pickup gallery.

I've uploaded over a thousand picture already, mostly a collection of Holden vans I've picked up from the 'net.

You can check the gallery out at

Feel free to register and add your own pictures to the public albums, or your own private album.

edit: Now over 2,000 images on the site. Thanks to those who contributed!